Friday, December 18, 2009

Preview of class December 20, 2009

Our text in Hebrews presents the somewhat surprising admonition to make every effort to enter God's rest.  Now, this statement would raise no eyebrows were it not that certain theological systems want to preempt it to mean something its author never intended.  You would understand perfectly well if I said to you "Try to get a good night's sleep."  You might take a relaxing bath or drink milk before bedtime, avoid eating spicy foods, and probably keep the lights down low, all as necessary preparation for the desired end of sweet repose.

Of course the Christian life involves striving to enter in at the narrow gate.  It has from the very beginning:

Jacob found this out quite early, and was never quite the same afterward.  Many Biblical texts instruct us to strive, seek, work out, make every effort, and so forth, and none of them contradict the idea of justification by faith, or the fact of the absolute sovereignty of God in the matter of man's salvation or damnation.  If some people handled tax forms as loosely as they do Biblical texts, the IRS would be all over them.

We hope to move on this week to discuss the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12).  I have a nice graphic organizer ready for you to help you understand the interconnections of the material here.

Well, OK, maybe it is not that complicated.  However, I will strive to introduce at least one surprising twist for everyone.  My home and mind are full of treasures and curiosities some of you do not even suspect.

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